When at a club, what do you wish an attractive guy does to initiate dancing?

You're at a club with a group of your friends, loud music, lots of people. You're trying not to let your eyes wander to avoid any creeps taking it as an invitation. How can a decent guy "test the waters" and get your attention? Guys often just try to go all in and grind and that seems disrespectful when uninvited but there are struggles in the chaos.

Secondly, while grinding, what should the guy do, I usually try to follow the girls hips to the rhythm but I have varied success with this. Then what's a respectful way to escalate things then? The club is hard to have a conversation but is there anything someone could say that would make you more likely to like him and potentially go home with him?

What do the guys that are successful do to make a girl more open to them?
When at a club, what do you wish an attractive guy does to initiate dancing?
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