I told my colleague that I find him handsome, after he was constantly flirting with me, but I’m not sure if he interpreted it well?


There is a guy that I like.

He flirts/ compliments me frequently. He would tell me how nice I smell, how sweet I am, etc. And when he compliments me, his eyes are locked in mine.
He’s always smiling a lot when he sees me… winks at me A LOT. I noticed also that he would glance at me whenever I’m not looking. He also touched me. Always acts as a gentleman. He seems also curious about me and is very caring.

A few days ago, he started having a conversation with me. He asked me where I came from, which city my parents were born, etc. And at some point , he said something so random while we were talking about citizenship. He said : « if I happened to be married and with kids , which I’m not yet , I would of give this citizenship to them easily ». Then he told me he lives in the countryside and asked me if I like the countryside. Afterwards, we were talking about anxiety and He told me how his ex girlfriend also had bad anxiety to the point that she couldn’t go out. Then he insisted that she’s his ex girlfriend … and that he always wanted a serious relationship, not a ‘’fuck relationship ‘’ because that’s what he’s looking for ( that was so random by the way lol ). he also told me something very personal about himself and his dad.

After our conversation, I told him that there is something I really wanted to tell him but I was just afraid of his reaction. Then he respond with a huge smile : « whenever you’re ready, let me know. » . And winks.

Afterwards, he was about to leave and reminds me again to not forget to tell him what I wanted to say earlier. At this point, I was so eager to ask him out…. But instead, I tell him … « I wanted to tell you that you’re very handsome today » .

And he says : « aww that’s so cute! Thank you ! ».

Uhhh … i don’t know what he thinks now that I said that? Not sure if he expected more? Or less? Also… I’m not sure if he’s just very friendly because it’s been 1 month since he started flirting?

Ps : dating colleagues is allowed in my company.

I told my colleague that I find him handsome, after he was constantly flirting with me, but I’m not sure if he interpreted it well?
1 Opinion