Does my Guy Friend like me or is he just being Nice?

I met this guy online from another state (he’s 22) We became friends quickly, he’s really sweet, humble and loves to laugh, We both developed good chemistry. He texts me almost everyday, we talk about University, and our Jobs. He also asks me a lot of personal questions, and We sometimes “play fight” in the sense that i would pretend to throw stuff at him like a snowball or blueberries i was eating and we laugh it off since i was just messing with him. We also joke around a lot too. One time i was sad and he sent me a hug sticker. I also noticed he would always send these emojis as well (☺️😅🥰💓💕) we would talk until 12am since he had to work. I recently 3 days ago tried to “Test” him after i realized it by giving him a hug before we said our usual goodnights. and he pretended to sleep on me while i gave him the hug. As of right now I’m very confused on how i feel about him.

Does my Guy Friend like me or is he just being Nice?
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