If your partner was a server/bartender, would you allow them to flirt with customers if it means they get more tips?


I work at a restaurant and I work with a couple who have an agreement that they can flirt back with guests so they can get better tips.
And honestly, they’re smart lmao. I love that for them.

i wish my boo would get on board with me flirting to make more money but he would never 💀

I wouldn’t even feel comfortable asking, he’d get pissed tbh. Which is completely understandable.

Yeah sure. I know it doesn’t mean anything and if it helps them make more money, then I’m all for it
Absolutely not.
Depends.. (on?)
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Also I highly recommend not flirting with customers unless they flirt with you first lol.
If your partner was a server/bartender, would you allow them to flirt with customers if it means they get more tips?
34 Opinion