Female coworker teases me a lot, is this flirting?

She is a very nice girl, reliable and very professional but the thing is...she seems to enjoy teasing me a little too much. She calls me names and makes fun of me, tells me I'm full of myself and that I make mistakes too. When I admit I made a mistake she gets all "no way, I thought you were perfect" (with this sarcastic tone). She is super nice to everybody but we are always getting into silly arguments and annoying each other (work never suffers because of this, we work and interact at the same time). My question is, why am I the only one she calls names and messes with? I am well liked and respected at my workplace, but she treats me like the most annoying person she knows and when people ask (playfully) why she talks to me like that, she says its because its fun. They also tell us that we argue so much we are going to end up married (and yes, we argue about insignificant things and we know each other body language and can read each other like a book so there's no way we can fool each other), so it seems we spend a lot of time together.

I know she doesn't dislike me because we talk all the time, so what is up with her?
Female coworker teases me a lot, is this flirting?
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