My crush is apparently scared of me.

I've had my crush for about three years. We've barely even talked, so I don't know if I even can call it a "crush", but he's just so cute and I mean, I just can't stop smiling when I think about him and... Whatever, y'all know how it feels like to be in love!

Anyways... I've been told by my closest guy friends that ever since he found out about it he's been avoiding me because he's really not "into girls". I'm not saying that he's homosexual, but it's just that he's a little immature and only play League of Legends or whatever. So I don't really know how to approach him without him freaking out. I have his number and been thinking about texting him, but wouldn't that be, like, weird? My guy friends aren't really giving me any good advice, they're just joking and teasing with me. They took my phone today and texted him. Not sure what him/they wrote, because they deleted the conversation. I've been feeling bad about that all afternoon... Anyway, can any nice soul out there help me? I've been looking for answers for three years!

Oh, and this is my very first post on this site, so it might have been a little long, so... Sorry about that! xx
My crush is apparently scared of me.
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