Shy guys: I know this guy likes me but he's too shy to even talk to me, If I ignore him will he finally make a move?

I've met this very very shy guy a few times its obvious he likes me but he can't even talk to me. I know of him and have met him a couple of times but were not exactly well acquainted. He was super nervous shy when we first met and I have tried to get him to talk a couple of times by smiling and saying hi but he gets all embarrassed and clams up. He has recently been showing up outside my work and seems like he's trying to run into me.

He never tries speaks (Just looks all embarrassed when I have smiled/said hi). I have recently started ignoring him to see if he will make a move.

Will this work or should I just talk to him. Why is he like this?
Yes it might work
No it will never work talk to him
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Shy guys: I know this guy likes me but he's too shy to even talk to me, If I ignore him will he finally make a move?
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