What foods did you stop eating while still young?

I last drank milk and hot cocoa in preschool. I also quit green beans, pudding, oatmeal, and black eyed peas by time I left preschool and haven't touched any of the above since. I absolutely cannot stand their scents/flavors. I’m aware that I quit milk after I sipped some during lunch and puked in front of the whole class. Everyone received a glass of milk from the same jug but only I reacted negatively to it that day and haven't drank it sense (and this was like age 3). I even eat cereal dry. Yet i only eat cereal like twice a year if that. As for hot choc, the ring it leaves in the cup as you drink it grosses me out. And Oatmeal started to look like puke. So nope to those as well. And i know its not a food but i have an odd fear of nail polish. I hate the scent and look of it, mainly dark colors like ruby red, blue and purple. Just yucky. I used to kick and scream when my mom tried to paint my nails.
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What foods did you stop eating while still young?
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