A good cook is one who can make the inedible delicious. True or false?

Any idiot can fry a steak, that's not cooking, it's heating. It takes zero skill to drop a lobster into a pan or put a chicken in an oven. As for salad, if you can't stick veg on a plate, I ask didn't your mother teach you anything?

Nay, I say a good cook can take something totally inedible and transform it into something delicious. Take the humble bean, any cretin can chuck a tin of kidney beans into a chilli but only a cook can take raw hard dried beans convert them into soft packages laden with absorbed flavour.

Any moron can roast a leg of lamb but only a cook can take a fatty sinewy a slab of breast and turn it into a crispy gooey wonder.

How many can't even joint a raw chicken or debone a pigs head or even fillet a flounder? How many think home cooking is when you open more than one jar of sauce?

A good cook is one who can make the inedible delicious. True or false?
21 Opinion