What was your biggest kitchen disaster that will make even the worst cook feel better?

What was your biggest kitchen disaster that will make even the worst cook feel better?

Someone I knew had a coworker who didn’t know a thing about cooking and pretty much never stepped a foot into a kitchen. However when she got married she wanted to learn how to make some dinners for her and her husband. She asked what would be the easiest meal to make and everyone at the office agreed that box macaroni would be a good place to start. The next day they all asked how it went. She said it went ok, but the mac and cheese was very watery. Watery? ? ? Come to find out she didn’t realize she needed to drain the pasta afterwards 😂

So what was your (or family/friend’s) biggest kitchen disaster, cooking fail, or baking flop?

What was your biggest kitchen disaster that will make even the worst cook feel better?
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