How do you feel when your lasagna sheets don't fit?

I've just stuck a chilli lasagna in the oven, 4 thick layers of chilli and cheese sauce. But as I constructed each layer I hit a familiar problem, the dried pasta sheets don't fit properly.

You either get a space around the edges or they overlap too much. You try every arrangement pattern then think fuck it I'll cut a sheet in half only for it to shatter.

Yes I know I could just make my own sheets but I can't be arsed.

So how do you feel about the lasagna problem?
How do you feel when your lasagna sheets dont fit?
I want to use broken lasagna as a shiv and make the 9 o'clock news
I want science to explain why they don't make sheets to fit
It's a big pasta plan to make us buy more sheets
I'm angry I've always 3 sheets left in the box, wtf am I supposed to do with 3 sheets
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How do you feel when your lasagna sheets don't fit?
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