Why It's Important To Not Think With Your Heart


...instead think in logic.

Why It's Important To Not Think With Your Heart

You wear your heart on your sleeve,

allowing it to be thieved.

This pattern won't break,

it re-occurrs endlessly.

Why It's Important To Not Think With Your Heart

For a large fragment of our lives, we never fail to act on emotion.

This is what allows us to bury our bodies in the mental turmoil, some

relationships have to offer.

You become blind sighted when you think with your heart.

You're allowing your vision to become jaded.

Instead of doing what is "right" you decide to do what "feels right".

You must understand the true depths of the reality, that is facing you.

When you act on emotions from the heart, you are allowing yourself to

see only a fantasy.

A beautiful picture that looks good only to you.

Why It's Important To Not Think With Your Heart

If you ask the outsiders (people who are not emotionally invested), to

paint the true picture of what lies before you, you will be shocked at how differently

that photo is perceived.

Your heart won't allow you to comprehend the truth that lies,

It simply won't, it is too emotionally invested.

When you think in logic,

you are allowing yourself to really look at the situation for what it is.

Your mind is allowing you to sort out the events that have occurred.

Your mind also allows you to make decisions accordingly.

But no, not your heart.

Your heart bleeds to be loved the same way in return.

You stay with the person who has wronged you.

You put up with all of the emotional/physical abuse.

You hold open your arms for more mistreatment.

Don't say that you do not.

Why It's Important To Not Think With Your Heart

By accepting the person who has wronged you,

repeatedly into your life, you are telling them

their actions are okay.

Please, pull the curtains from your eyes and

allow yourself to see.

Loving someone means nothing,

when they offer you pain and hurt in return.

You have tried to make things right.

But your efforts are those that fall on deaf ears.

It isn't long before you are betrayed again.

You love this person.

Your heart is what continues to allow you to fall deeper.

Think in logic.

Think with your brain.

When you do, the best decisions of your life will be made.

Why It's Important To Not Think With Your Heart

Why It's Important To Not Think With Your Heart
31 Opinion