Why Guys Have The Idea Of "Badboys" All Wrong


Why Guys Have The Idea Of "Badboys" All Wrong

It seems that guys (usually after the sting of rejection and having to watch the girl they like adoring a total douchebag) have a strong dislike for bad boys. The main reason being that they are obviously imperfect but even through their loud and clear flaws, they get away with it. They still get the girl, they still seem cool and in their life, no matter how much weed they smoke and how much sex they have, they never meet the consequences.

And you good boys, you're just sitting at the edge of your seats waiting for them to get their comeuppance because you feel like "then it will be my turn." You think, if someone can manage to call them on their shit, they will look at you and realize how...how much better you are than them.

Am I right? I mean, all good guys have such wonderful qualities. I won't sit here and say good boys have bad personalities or that they actually don't deserve to get loved, but good boys you have to realize that just because you have basically better qualities as men, you lack the biggest thing that nature has proven time and time again to attract women....dominance.

Any man that passively sits around waiting for someone to see the good in them will likely wait forever. But its not the actual controlling of the woman that attracts us. No, women don't like being told what to do...but we love to follow the leader. Bad boys have the qualities of a leader. Their confidence is what really sets them up on the totem pole. A man with confidence fears nothing. He isn't afraid to be himself, and women love that.

Why Guys Have The Idea Of "Badboys" All Wrong

Women love real men, genuine men, because we know that their dominance is not game. They aren't pretending to be the person they are, unlike many good boys. Good boys will refrain from calling a female out of her name, they will try to protect their reputation for fear of disapproval and they will stop at every obstacle instead of using their abilities as a person to get over them, such as being friendzoned. Being friendzoned is basically a red light. Whereas a good boy will stop and wait for the red light to turn green,a bad boy is just going to go. He's going to hunt what he wants, and he's going to get it.

Good boys, don't be offended. I'm in no way saying that you aren't a good quality man. But you have great qualities that women wish the bad boys had instead. What you need to do is not become a bad boy, but become a real man. A free man who doesn't fear being told no and more than anything, considers himself a leader that others will follow, not an entitled follower who no one seems to notice.

Why Guys Have The Idea Of "Badboys" All Wrong
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