5 Ways I Handle Depression


5 ways I handle depression

We've all been there. We can have a great day and something may happen and we fall into the abyss of depression. As a person who's been to the pits of depression at a younger age, I learnt to control it now that I'm older and here are the five things.

1) Know that someone is there for you

Don't be shy or scared to text that person or talk to that person. Doesn't matter a friend or a family member. Just know they are there for you and will do anything to make you happy. If you have suicidal thoughts just think about all the people who will be beyond heart broken if you were gone. Majority of them being your parents no matter how they treat you. Really well or really bad they will be heart broken and devastated if you weren't here.

2) Occupy yourself

I ussually reach for my sketchbook or my reading book and dwell into my imagination. This helps a lot since I have less time to be depressed because my brain is occupied with the characters I'm reading or drawing.

3) Smile 😊

I know this sounds weird. No matter what mood you're in if you smile it will instantly make you happier. Even if you have 1000 reasons to not smile find that one reason to smile and those 1000 will go away. I always force a smile when I'm depressed and trust me it works. Such a small movement goes a long way.

4) Laugh

Laughter is the best medicine. Better than any anti depressant your therapist will give you. Skype your friends or watch a funny movie or skits on YouTube. If you laugh it makes you forget about why you were even sad in the first place. Those rears will dry in no time.

5) Know it gets better

No matter how deep and dark it feels right now there is always light at the end of the tunnel. How long that tunnel lasts depends. Maybe a short ride or a long one bit eventually you'll see that light. This feeling of self hatred and feeling down won't last at all. Because like I said someone out there loves you for who you are and will show you that and it will make you feel so relieved. Or if you're depressed at night don't worry you'll wake up fresh and happy in the morning.

Obviously there are clinically depressed people which thus may or may not help you. This is me talking from experience and what has helped me and if it helps you too ill be so happy.

5 Ways I Handle Depression
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