First college party and what to expect, from a girl’s point of view

First college party and what to expect, from a girl’s point of view.

College is very hyped up. People always talk about how much fun college is and all of the crazy things they did in college. So, today I would like to share with you my first college party experience and give you girls an idea of what to expect.

I went to a major state University, my school had around 18,000 to 25,000 students, to give you an idea of the size. The first party I went to was exactly like the movies, horny/drunk frat guys everywhere, and girls dressed to impress. The music was loud and there was enough natty light to make a whole herd of elephants black out. The party was at the hockey house, so of course there were drunk hockey guys every where. Girls were making out with girls, beer pong literally everywhere, people were writing on passed out people with sharpies, and I even saw a guy dressed in a gorilla costume doing a keg stand? A fight eventually broke out and the party was over, at least for me anyways. On the walk back to the dorms I took a bite of some random guy’s taco (from taco bell) and successfully made it home.

College parties can be very “clicky” depending on what party and what school you go to. Being a girl it makes things easier, sadly. Girls can get in to pretty much any party they want, without any problems. Guys on the other hand have to be a part of a fraternity or sports team, otherwise there may be drama. My girl friends and I had no problem getting in anywhere we went. The cops occasionally show up, and fights between beefed up athletes and drunk guys usually break out.

College parties are fun and exciting at first, but eventually get old. Now, I would much rather have a night in and watch movies with my cats, but we all have to experience it at least once, right!?

My best advice for girls:

Don't get too drunk. Always watch your drinks. Stay with your friends. You will ruin your shoes, choose wisely.

First college party and what to expect, from a girl’s point of view
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