What is the definition of a High Value Man?


I see this question all the time on GAG and I always get a chuckle out of the answers. The actual definition of a HV man is pretty simple. "It is a man that is respected by other MEN of value" The reason for this is obvious. If left up to a female she's going to use herself as the barometer. Ever notice that when a woman is in a relationship her man is HV yet the second they break up that same man is trash? That is because women make the mistake of believing they dictate the value of a man and that is why women don't factor in on whether you as a man are high value or not. A HV man should be able to walk into any room and leave w/ the respect of any other HV man in that same room.


What is the definition of a High Value Man?
What is the definition of a High Value Man?
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