I ignored her, now she's ignoring me and I feel like a twat?

Alright so I spent the last few weeks hanging out with a friend who actually became quite a close friend and th other day i went to meet her at the library to do some work, i called her and she didn't answer for like almost an hour and eventually just as I was about to leave she called me back to tell me where she was. I went to meet her and told her that i'd booked a room to work in (I had told her this the day before and she'd agreed), but she was like "nah i want to stay here", and she was with two other guys who were in her class, so i was like fine and i went off to work by myself, then i went to the gym. During this time she tried calling me but I was real p*ssed off so i ignored her, then she sent me message asking why i was ignoring her, and i couldn't be bothered to explain that i was pissed so i just told her i'd left my phone at home while i was the gym. I was snapchatting her today and asked if she was coming to the library and she said she was so i snapchatted her back asking if she wanted to meet me there but she didn't reply. I really dont understand why she's ignoring me and she's being kind of distant... Should i confront her? because it pisses me off to lose a good friend or should i just ignore her next time she contacts me?
Confront her
Ignore her
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I ignored her, now she's ignoring me and I feel like a twat?
4 Opinion