Can a woman befriend a hot guy without appearing like she’s flirting?

I’m currently working as a part time job at a computer repair man. I always had a passion about coding and programming, and this job is truly amazing, since I’m studying IT. One of the worker, is truly skilled and he teached me a lot of things. But whenever I go to talk to him there is some women that giving me a death glare. He’s very hot, at a point when a customer told him that if he looked like him he would probably choose to be an actor or a model instead of a programmer. We both truly get along, he took me out eat a lots of time because we like the same things and he teached me a lot. He’s 5 years older than me, which mean he’s 23 ans I am 18 and he treat me like his sister and I wished I had a brother like him. We both love video games and he promised me that we will try to creat a video game on summer holidays. I am truly excited with this project But whenever we talk or laugh together some women act really bad with me, at a point that one of them throwed some water on my computer the same day she called me an attention seeking slut with her friends. She always had a crush on this guy, and she even warned me to stay away from him. I told her that he doesn’t interest me but she doesn’t believe me and continue to flirt with him while bullying me with the other girls that had a crush on him. I hate conflicts so I don’t want to tell him what those girls are doing to me. And I never faced something like that because I always used to get along with girls like boys, so how can these girls understand that I’m not flirting with their crush?
Can a woman befriend a hot guy without appearing like she’s flirting?
Can a woman befriend a hot guy without appearing like she’s flirting?
23 Opinion