How Much Toilet Paper Do You Use, Ladies?

As a guy, the details of what’s actually involved when girls go to the bathroom has remained a taboo and rather undiscussed topic. It wasn’t until I had a female roommate that I noticed how much more quickly we’d go through toilet paper. How many squares of toilet paper do girls typically use to wipe themselves after they urinate? Is the same amount used each time? How would you feel if you had to use less toilet paper (or none at all) each time, and why?

Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences to help me understand better.
How Much Toilet Paper Do You Use, Ladies?
+1 y
I’m being serious. Does it ever cross your mind? As a guy, it’s something I’m used to and would likely feel rather unusual if I suddenly couldn’t aim.
+1 y
That makes sense, but I don’t know how much vaginal discharge one might produce throughout the day (or how much TP it’d require to wipe up). Given this consideration, how many squares of TP would typically be used then?
How Much Toilet Paper Do You Use, Ladies?
104 Opinion