Ended things with her. Did I do the right thing?

So I'm 19 and she's 18. Went out with her a few days ago, we've known each other since November 2019, I've made my intentions always clear with her. Anyway, all she did when we met up the other day was practically insult me "You're not that tall" I'm over 6'1, she insulted my sister saying she looks like every other girl, she said she doesn't want me to meet her mother because she wouldn't like me and that she doesn't want me to know about her private life, she said what's stopping her from going out with me is something unpleasant in my personae that would make her regret it, that one actually hurt my feelings quite substantially. She said the reason I was bullied must have been because I did something wrong and she then proceeded to say that her age preference is going up and that also hurt my feelings. I just left her at the train station in the end, walked away. I sent her a text an hour ago saying "Look this isn't working out. Don't appreciate your attitude, or how you treated me the other day. Good luck with your search." I feel quite sad doing this because I formed a connection, or thought I had formed a connection with a great, nice and sweet girl who just turned out to be like everyone else. Anyway, did I do the right thing? I feel like I did, because that behaviour is just batshit toxic to me and I can't believe she's become like this. I've never treated or said things to a girl like that before, don't understand twat behaviour. Let me know what you guys think please. Cheers
Ended things with her. Did I do the right thing?
2 Opinion