Why do people always feel the need to point out my heignt?

Im a tall female (5’8 or 5’9) and I’m constantly always commented on my height especially being a retail cashier I’ve had kids look at me and whisper and customers always tell me “wow you’re really tall.. how tall are you) at least twice a week.. I’m 22 years old and I’ve been hearing these comments constantly since I was 12 years old it’s so annoying.. why do people feel the need to comment on my body something I can’t control? I know sometimes they don’t mean it in a bad way but it makes me self conscious most of the time I feel like a freak sometimes especially when people try to argue with me saying I’m not 5’9 that I’m 5’11 or 6 foot (I guess being skinner makes me look taller).. I’ve been called giraffe a lot and been told it’s going to be hard for me to find a boyfriend because of my height like honestly wtf.. I try to be confident about my height but it’s hard when every girl is like 5’3 or under I feel like a tree next to every girl :/
Why do people always feel the need to point out my heignt?
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