Am I being strung along?

Me (21m) and this girl (22f) used to have a really close but plutonic friendship. We had a minor argument which resulted in us not talking and she moved away without saying goodbye too me. I wished her well when I learned of the news and we’ve spoken on and off since. The other night she was drunk and with her new friends and had told them all about me it seems.
She sent me drunk videos of her singing my favourite song (she hates country and it’s a country song) and all her new friends where shouting my name. She then said she misses me so much a few times. However, she was recently back in town and didn’t text me to catch-up like she so often said she wanted to do.
This woman meant so much too me she was the first woman I told that I loved her, and I did she was my greatest friend. She hurt me so bad and doesn’t seem to realise.

Am I being strung along?
Am I being strung along?
3 Opinion