Do girls show interest & not text back a guy for a long time because they want the guy to chase by sending another text or is that not a thing?

I know that girls do this sometimes because they are busy or not interested anymore or for other possible reasons, but there are so many different types of girls, and I'm wondering if this is a possible reason.

I've heard girls sometimes take long to respond to see if the guy is really needy or not so a guy should not double text but I've also heard some girls are happy to see a guy double text.
Yes this happens often
Yes this happens sometimes
Yes this happens rarely
No, this only happens in movies
No, this is a thing of the past
No this is a thing of the past and in movies
No this never happened ever
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Do girls show interest & not text back a guy for a long time because they want the guy to chase by sending another text or is that not a thing?
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