Do you think a lot of women look or give off vibes that say don't Approach me?

I don't think a lot of woman realize that most men are shy, well around my age were shy. Yea their are confident men out their but the ones around my age that are just bursting with confidence more than likely are the ones who are either players or just really friendly. More than likely players from what I have seen. Most men would agree that if a woman has a group of friends around her stay away, if a woman is by herself and looks drunk or out of it, stay away, if a woman looks busy or looks like she's going somewhere important its better to leave her alone, when she's at the gym don't hit on her. So in short due to all of this for some men it can be difficult to find a way to ask a woman out. What time, place and how. Of course ladies you can make this easier by using the correct body language, that being smile, looking friendly, being polite, not being stuck up, being a good listener, act and look interested in a guy. Body language and/or actions will always convey more words ever will. If someone is uncomfortable, they don't have to say it. You can see it easily if you pay attention and know what to look for. So ladies for the ones who aren't getting approach, try not having what people call a bitch face or a face that doesn't look inviting. Look happy, smile, and you will see one hell of a change.
Do you think a lot of women look or give off vibes that say don't Approach me?
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