Why do women hate short men so much?

Whenever I ask questions regarding short men I always get hate comments about short men and how whiny they are and they just like to do rants. Even if I ask a simple and logical question without blaming anyone everyone still tries to do the same thing.

It's like there's no freedom of speech for short men without getting ridiculed by women. I try to question the society and it's cultural norms and get hate comments just because of it.

Like you can't even raise your voice against this but if a women talks about body positivity it's all fine.

Your biased love towards tall men and hatred towards short men show how much stuck up you are in cultural norms that you can't even talk or think logically.

And yes this is not a rant. This is a simple question. I'm not blaming anyone for preferences just asking a simple question.
Why do women hate short men so much?
10 Opinion