Ever had a really good connection with someone but couldn't get it outside of place you knew them?

i'm not entirely sure what is going on here , i meet this girl at this restaurant a while back and we know each other fairly well by now as she's worked there a couple years although more during the summer

a lot of the times i've talked to her when she's working but we have hung out there when she was off work and sat together at a table once. she's also asked me to do drinks with her a couple times ( shots ) , i've never asked her to do drinks but she asked me , once was on her birthday and other x mas holidays

but we live in the same area and i've like never once seen her outside of that place , never even seen her at nearby restaurants or stores. never seen her at the gym , never been to private parties with her. we've basically never done anything outside of the place i meet her , never even seen her at a fast food place and our city is only 20,000 people so not even that big , seem to recall she lives outside of town but still she's obviously here a lot

but we seem to get along fairly well so confused , can't think of any reason why she wouldn't want to see me outside of the restaurant at least in public places like other restaurants or events / parties etc
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note both times we did shots it was late at night and she was off work with friends
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i saw her at another bar its in another town , i asked if she wanted to do a shot at the bar as we did that before , she and her girlfriend that was also nearby said yes so i got 3 shots and we did them together , she took a picture of us with her cell phone too , it was fun but she disappeared afterwords , saw her at place she works again a few days later and we talked but not really about that night
Ever had a really good connection with someone but couldn't get it outside of place you knew them?
1 Opinion