Why is this girl noticeably different around me?

A girl that I know is really nice and outgoing with her friends. When she talks to them, she doesn't seem shy / quiet at all. She hugs them , strikes up a question, and seems overall comfortable. But with me, she is much colder and quieter and our conversations are so much more awkward. For example, I would say and she says hi , then we would just walk together without saying anything, she would be like "im tired" or like "I got no sleep yesterday" in a quiet tone. Like in general, its always a kind of awkward conversation. Why is she treating me differently when she had known me + is closer with me than the other people. Close like she goes to my basketball games to support me and hangingout after school sometimes (+ sharing drinks). So I dont see why she would treat me like this?
Why is this girl noticeably different around me?
2 Opinion