Mixed signals from a girl met in the gym?


So I met this girl in the gym some time ago, she is introverted, maybe a little shy, never talk to anyone unless a very few people.
I caught her staring at me more than once, she even double checked on me trough the mirror once, always says hi when we meet, giggles, she smiles too and sometimes she holds eye contact 2-4 seconds before she lower her eyes.

All these behaviors made me think she could be somehow interested, but every time I contact her via socials she acts so cold, barely holds any conversations, only says “thank you” or similar, she even left me on “Seen” a couple of times in the past. She doesn’t even followed me back on instagram, and she follows almost everyone back.

That’s why I give up on her every time, because the last thing I want is to creep her out or made her hate me. But then in the gym she starts to look at me again, smiling…

Can’t understand why and it’s driving me crazy. Any help?

Mixed signals from a girl met in the gym?
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