489 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. it's because of the Halo Effect. a good personality is tied directly to good looks and a bad personality is tied directly to bad looks
an ugly jerk won't get women. in fact he'll be despised by women not because he's a jerk but because he's ugly and the last thing that mother nature wants is ugly DNA to dilute the gene pool
not only can a hot jerk can get women, he can steal women from unsuspecting good guys. this is why it's important for victims of bullying to fight back instead of getting someone else to fix the problem. the girlfriend of a victim of bullying won't shame in leaving him for his bully
the personality of a hot jerk doesn't matter as long as he is hot. Ted Bundy, Jeremy Meeks (the hot felon) and Cameron Herrin (the boy too pretty for prison) had women defending them. their crimes were worse than Andrew Tate's alleged "crimes" though Tate has women defending him too so there's another bad boy whom women love
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Most Helpful Opinions
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I’ve been researching dating and things related and from what I can find, generally speaking, women who are younger and beautiful tend to look for the most genetically gifted men they can find (attractive, muscular, etc.), however, as they get older and actually want to settle down they start to look for guys who have good potential as a provider and father (I. e. “nice guys”). This is because genetics play a big part in getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy but guys like that, because they instinctively know they are wanted by women, are far less likely to stick around and stay with the woman, often leaving if even the hint of pregnancy comes up. They can keep on sleeping around.
However, less genetically gifted men tend to make up for it by making better money, being supportive and sticking around … because they know they don’t have as many options.
In the long run, the potential to have the woman and the child cared for after the birth is a stronger drive and positive than just having great sex all the time with a guy who could easily just piss off whenever he wants.10 Reply
I think there are a couple of factors. One is that a jerk to one person may be nice to another person. In other words if your boyfriend is nice to you, it may be ok or even in some ways good if he can be a jerk to other people if it's because he is looking after your best interests as a couple.
The other thing is that guys who are seen as jerks also tend to be willing to walk up and ask people out, while sometimes nice guys won't do more than look at you and wait hoping that somehow you go out with them without them ever asking you. And, the nice guys may or may not be nice and the jerks may or may not be jerks sometimes this is just kind of an excuse or sour milk. JMO!00 Reply
- 1 y
These girls like the challenge of dating the "hard to get to commit" guy, because it gives them an ego boost if she does get him to date her. Like if I can get a guy to date me who is difficult and hard to get into a relationship, then I must be that special/attractive/amazing/different from the rest, etc. I think it's largely a status and ego boost thing.
I know because I used to be like that when younger. I had friends who thought this way.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
Looks and money matter much more than personality at first. They will never get to know the person's personality unless he has looks and money that she is happy with so she will take the time to get to know him. For example, if you go to a store for the day, maybe Target or Walmart, then a grocery store you will likely encounter 30 to 50 people depending on when you go. How many of those people do you even notice as being physically attractive enough to get to know or go out with if they asked?
Plus the "jerks" often have no pride or shame when using people, which means they approach many women and even though they get turned down often, by the sheer number of people they hit on, they get with many women and use them.
A guy that doesn't party with drugs or alcohol is also much less likely to meet someone outside of the workplace and he may not approach anyone there in order to not risk his job, so the only way he is likely to meet someone new with common interests is online, but many women still think most people online are just looking for hook ups.
00 Reply- 1 y
You tell ME and we'll BOTH know!! I've been trying to figure that one out ever since the `80's when I suddenly became an emotional tampon to all the ones get abused!!
They ALL CRY on my shoulder about how much he abuses her and how she can't take it, anymore and, when I tell them, "LEAVE HIM!!" They all cry, "I can't!!" I ask, "Why not?" She comes back with, "Because I LOVE HIM!!" Okay, honey, SUFFER!!
And, if they actually DO listen to me and leave his skanky ass, it's either temporary and, she'll leave him today and be back in his arms in 3 days OR, she ACTUALLY DOES leave him for good and gets a new boyfriend but, the new guy is either just as bad as the last one or worse!!
I swear to Buddha, women have SHIT TASTE in men!!00 Reply - 1 y
Because it’s the women’s fatal flaw. They like to say a man loves a chance, that’s not actually true a lot of the time.. but what is true, is that women love to try to fix. They want a bad boy that make memories of the those days and turn them into someone they can manipulate and control. When they can’t, that’s when you get all these women saying that there are no good men out there, they are all shit, etc… you tried to fix a man and manipulate him, and you failed. That’s what is supposed to happen.
00 Reply - 1 y
Why would i want a woman who has slept around? I don't even know if there are women that are my type that have not slept around. I guess it is too much to ask for a virgin. Of course the man isn't supposed to have any demands but the woman can have all the demands in the world. So unfair. I would want the future mother of my kids to be a virgin. It is not asking for too much after all.
10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
Pretty simple, those women aren't very smart. People tell you who they are through thier actions over time. Those women are typically so all up in thier feeling they blow passed every single red flag. That's one of the things I find so entertaining about this site. The sheer number of women that blame all the bad men they date rather than take responsibility for her bad choices.
Men do this to, but due to women being more emotional and men being more logical it happens comparatively less. It's also why I say if a woman gets over on a guy it's his own fault.
00 Reply 736 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Because there's a good amount of women who were either poorly raised or are just plain stupid.
70 Reply- 1 y
Maybe the decent men don't want a lot of women - just one. Maybe the jerks want a lot of women and actively pursue them.
Just to make up a number... If the jerks appeal to 5% of the women, that's still a LOT of women.
It doesn't matter how many women the one-woman guy appeals to. He only wants one.
00 Reply Because jerks are less likely to be simps that lovebomb women with attention while jerks make women chase them not the other way round. Jerks often have somekind of lifegoal or ambition while the so called nice guys either just think about sex or they can´t get of the coach.
00 Reply- 1 y
Whats a jerk to you though? Is it a guy who just isn't overly nice and has banter with a girl by maybe teasing her a little that can come off as rude? I dont think women are going for men who are actually jerks. As in being abusive or something. I feel women like a guy who pushes back a little and has his own opinions and isn't just agreeing with her on everything.
00 Reply Because women don't.
Typically it's the good looking guys that are jerks because they know women want them, and they fall into the trap of being used and the guy moves on.
Nice guys finish last or not at all10 Reply559 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Ignore what women say they want.
Watch for whom they open their legs.
There is usually a big difference.
Most women get the tingles for sociopathic bad boys who will use them and break their hearts.10 Reply5.8K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Well, you’re in a foreign country and might be different where you’re living at but I guess it’s kind of true in America
11 Reply- 1 y
Jerks get ish or very deep broken women with low esteem so it's not like they are getting the cream of the crop.
9 out 10 times that's how it is. A decent person is almost always with another decent person because their core values and personalities match.00 Reply 1.3K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. I had an uncle who was a cop. He used to say "The sadists always find the masochists. :"
10 Reply- 1 y
Based on my experience, many women are not good judges of a guy's character. They're more overwhelmed by his looks, how rich he is, and how good he is in bed. Later, they may find out that he's not at all what they wanted, nor expected.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
There's a lot of science and psychology behind this.
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)1 y
Women like men (THEY ARE SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO!!!) with good personalities.
Personality matters, but only AFTER sexual attraction has been established. It's the same with guys. We also like girls with good personalities. But of course we're really only focusing on that in girls we find sexually attractive.
00 Reply - u1 y
Because there are too many women out there who think they can "change a man" and shit like that.
20 Reply - 1 y
Women who are mindful in choosing a partner doesn't go for jerks. Women who uses their feelings will often get hurt, and in some worst situations, they also crave that pain.
00 Reply 3K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Jerks know how to hide their jerkiness and are not determined to be jerks until exposed later. Some jerks run good game and can pick out easy prey. Many a good guy was really a jerk underneath.
00 Reply512 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. That is a very good question. I think there is some flaw in the thinking of women because nice men don't have any chance in the long run.
00 Reply- 1 y
Well they feel safe with good personality men but they feel naughty and sexy with bad boys!
02 Reply- 1 y
When they are jerks or when they are mysteriously dark and brutal.
- 1 y
I not sure but I feel they are not jerks when you first meet them but when they finally get what they want they show there true colors. Also I think women kinda think they are a alpha or a confident man but misunderstood.
00 Reply - 1 y
Funny how only 1 honest woman answered you
Women tend to avoid answering such question and its proving to be right.
10 Reply Actually great question? Can you tell us? Why do women like jerks and pass on the good guys?
01 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Because those guys haven't figured out that you can be a good guy without being everything women hate - weak, timid, whiney, pushovers.
11 Reply- Opinion Owner1 y
And the toxic men you describe get equally toxic women. Toxic people gravitate towards toxic people. They deserve each other.
Cause many woman are dependents with a lot of baggage and don't have good choices in their life.
A lot of women have poor judgment and decision making skills.
00 ReplyGreat question, But you should have asked this just to Women.
I don't think you will get many more answers for this Question from Girls.
01 ReplyWell women keep on ending up with the wrong men.
00 Reply- 1 y
There are only so many men with good personalities to go around. LOL
01 Reply - 1 y
Because girls love jerks who are jerks to others, but not them.
00 Reply - 1 y
Do women actually like men with good personalities?
01 Reply 539 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. That's how the world is. All these people keep doing same stupid things and then cry about it
00 Reply- 1 y
Because a lot of jerks also have good personalities.
00 Reply Because women give in to the sex driven ego men have. The second you see cockiness, run.
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
No idea, maybe it’s because jerks don’t care what anyone thinks and women might like that
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)1 y
Women are Attracted to Jerks and guys with big weiners. Those type of women are not my problems
00 Reply Umm, not so sure they do...
00 ReplyEh, you will get used to this scene
00 Reply- 1 y
They got smooth talk and game
00 Reply - 1 y
Women adore fuck boys.
00 Reply - 1 y
Never happened with me
00 Reply 514 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. damn good question
00 Reply- 1 y
I hate jerks
00 Reply
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