Why is that some women get defensive if I disagree on a wrong behavior?


I have more problems on calling out someone's BS, regardless of gender. For me, wrong is wrong.

When a man acts like a total jerk, other men and women call him out on his BS. Just last week for instance, I disagreed on a woman that secretly aborted her boyfriend's child, even lying to him about going for a dental check-up and making him and her family buy baby things for nothing. I've been introduced to the guy on a reunion once. He seemed like a normal man that wanted his child. He broke up and blocked her afterwards.

Oh boy why did I opened my mouth to disagree!! I got criticized for not taking her side and judged as being inconsiderate, how women naturally support each other, what the hell is wrong with me, etc. I can understand if it was a real abusive man she's afraid of but that wasn't the case. Another time, I called out my aunt on her BS and she kept saying ''why the hell are you taking your uncle's side, you're suppose to take my side, we're women''.

I've taken the side of whoever is in the right. But it's like if I call out another woman's bad behavior, it's a lose-lose situation for me. Why?

1 mo
I didn't like that she didn't give the man a chance to mourn his child, didn't inform him that she wanted to abort the baby and initially lied about wanting the baby.
Why is that some women get defensive if I disagree on a wrong behavior?
2 Opinion