I need help figuring out my coworker?


2 to 3 weeks ago I confessed to a coworker that I liked her. She didn't reciprocate and we talked about it. At some point I stopped talking to her all together and stopped saying "have a goodnight" when I'd get no reply back. Flash forward to now and I'm confused as to what I'm dealing with.

We work in retail and a lot of the time it is just the two of us and we are always working night shifts together and closing just the two of us. Let me say that I don't ever bug her unless it is work related. I don't want to come off as a creep so I keep my engagement with her work related until she comes around. But she comes around every single shift.

The other night I cleaned the restrooms and she followed me in to make sure they were clean and then lingered with me in there with the door shut. I put my hands up as I waited for her to walk out first and I looked at the door not her. So I didn't get a look at her expression. There isn't enough space to type everything else that happens. But last night she parked by my car that is about 30 feet away from the front doors and she usually parks right by the front doors.

After another crazy night of her kicking me, tagging me with clearance stickers and that is the short list of what happened. I went to leave and she told me not to leave her because she didn't want to have her Achilles slashed. Long story but basically she didn't want someone to nab her. So what is clear is that she wanted me to walk with her. But we live in a rural town with no kidnappings, no murder and she could have just parked closer like she always does. After I got into my car she honked her horn which I thought was an accident, followed by 2 more times and when I looked up I didn't see her wave or anything. As I pulled out, her car alarm went off. I'm not trying to assume anything here. But none of her behavior is making any sense. Until she tells me different I am believing what she said.

P. S two my coworkers thought she was into me as well.

I need help figuring out my coworker?
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