Anyone have any idea why a female coworker doesn’t like to initiate CONVERSATIONS with me, but will do so with other male coworkers?

So I (M22) have a female worker (F21) who is very outgoing, and really nice. She greets me every time she sees me. A simple “Hi, how are you?”. But, she doesn’t initiate CONVERSATIONS with me. She’ll say hi, I’ll say hi back, and for the rest of our shift, she won’t say a single word to me, unless it’s strictly work related.

We’ve been coworkers for over a year now, and this has been basically our relationship (don’t see her outside of work). In hindsight, almost every conversation we’ve ever had (which I can count on two hands tops), I’m the one who initiated it.

But she has no issues starting convos with other male coworkers. I’ll see her talk to a guy for a while, end up near me, and say nothing. Sometimes, I could be talking to a male coworker, and she’ll walk right up and start talking to him and act like I’m not there. Other times, she’ll talk to me only if there’s a third person involved and we’re already conversing, and she’ll interject. But ONE ON ONE? Nah

I know she doesn’t dislike me. I’ve never given her a reason. I’ve even made her laugh hard a couple times in the past. Like I said, she greets me practically every time we share a shift together. And in hindsight, she is ADAMANT about greeting me. If she greets me and I don’t hear her (from either being too focused on what I’m doing or listening to my AirPods), and she knows I don’t hear her, she’ll deadass raise her voice at me. I’ll be like, “Huh? Oh.. what’s up?”, and she’ll say, “I’M TRYING TO SAY HI TO YOU!”. This has actually happened a few times. If I don’t hear her greet me the first time, she’ll sometimes make another (aggressive) attempt at it.

But it almost never goes beyond that. She doesn’t seem interested in actually “talking” to me.

Same thing with saying goodbye. I have seen MANY times of her leaving for the day, say goodbye to other male coworkers on her way out, and walk right by me and not say bye.

I don’t lose sleep over it or anything. It just, confuses the hell out of me
Anyone have any idea why a female coworker doesn’t like to initiate CONVERSATIONS with me, but will do so with other male coworkers?
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