Girls, a friend of mine said to me she "wants romance" when we were chatting alone together?

I have become very close to a women who is also a friend, people can tell we care a lot about each other, she broke up with her partner 3 months ago and told me she wants romance when we were in a group, alone together near the beach.

She was in a 13 year realationship, I know she has a lot to sort out, she keeped teeling me that she will never go back to her partner, any time I compliment her and tell her how much she means to me she sort of says nothing and will just say it was she misted everyone, when I tell her I have misted her when I thnaked her for coming to visit

When she hugs me she holds me very close, she gives me check to check hugs that are very intimate, she often spends a lot of time with me alone in groups and comes over for more hugs,

So it's not my fault I devoloped feelings for her, I would like to know what she means and why does she sometimes online still call me a good friend, when our closeness is very itimate and people are noticing, she even commented on what other people are saying. she says " because we have become close and care for each other"

she was wearing those easrrings I noticed that day on her and touched them, then she had a photo a few days laters wearing them again

Girls, a friend of mine said to me she "wants romance" when we were chatting alone together?
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