Why dont guys realize they put themselves in the friend zone?


Insteado of blaming the women for not wanting to date you how about you take the hints and leave her alone instead of trying to pressure her into dating you and move on with your own life. I am so tired of guys complaing of how they were friend zoned when she probably motioned in the beginning that she didn't want you to be her boyfriend or for you to take her on a date. Also why not just move on instead of hopelessly and creeplely hanging around and being "her friend" and don't say "well she shouldn't get mad that I don't want to be her friend. " I can guarantee that she is not mad if you drop her as a friend and probably relieved and thrilled if you drop her as a friend. I am so sick of guys complaining of the friend zone. Do yourselves a favor and get out of it and don't get create it in the first place and leave her alone.

Why dont guys realize they put themselves in the friend zone?
9 Opinion