Do you agree that a sure fire way to confirm that you are a Chad (attractive guy) is if a woman spends >100 dollars on you?


We are talking about a scenario where you can be an acquittance, friend, boyfriend/husband with a female. If she is at least average looking and willing to do something totally romantic for you, that requires spending > 100 dollar, then you are likely a chad. Example, In the above video, the girl spent 1100 dollars on plane tickets to Vegas for just her and her "friend; without telling him. When the guy turned down her offer, she got salty and decided to stop being his "friend". Normally, this experience would never occur for the average male, and usually money transfer (outside of family) is in the direction of man to woman.

Now when I talk about women spending >100 dollars on a man, this excludes scenarios where a man has already spent tons of money (>10k) on a girl and she decides to be charitable and give you back some cash. It also excludes scenarios where a woman is post wall (30+) and is desperately trying to lock you down to commit to her because time is running out and she needs to start popping out babies.

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Do you agree that a sure fire way to confirm that you are a Chad (attractive guy) is if a woman spends >100 dollars on you?
6 Opinion