How to explain to her she is in the wrong?


My partner and I of 6 years. We do not live togather. And her room mate for some reason does not allow me there. I had to shoot someone in self defence a few years back. And that is why the room mate despise me.
On to the problem. She has been remodeling a rental property. But every time I drop by in announced she is not working by no means she is sitting playing on her phone going through bags of clothes. Not working. And always has low life girl friends around so called helping her paint and such.
It's been over 2 weeks still not done. It's a single wide trailer. Now it's a big cussion pallet there where it appears she been sleeping. Then tonight she tells me I can't be hanging out there. Like that is all your doing. Is more less posted up there. So I try and explain to her if I do t need to be hanging out there. Then neither does she. Can some one please help me explain why and how she is in the wrong because I come off as a ass that's trying to fight. Thanks

How to explain to her she is in the wrong?
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