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I’ve been with my boyfriend for 9 months, it happened out of the blue after being single not having sex for 3 years due to a 10 year marriage to a Narcissist. I hadn’t ever wanted to be in a relationship again!! He showed me different the first couple months, it was happiness.
Things changed when I had to use his phone one day, he got a text from another chic he was clearly talking too cheating on me!! I was crushed!! He knew I had been in a 10 year abusive marriage with a constant cheater!!
He I was in the same situation, he denied SOO anything wrong!! I found he had been talking to numerous women since we got together. My trust for him diminished that day, has been getting worse ever since!! I constantly find girls he talks too, video chats and meets on his phone. He denies everything has an excuse for all claiming he did nothing wrong!!
He has hit me in the head, punched me in the eye and jaw on top of many other physically hurtful things. He doesn’t see he is wrong in hurting me, saying it’s not abuse he didn’t use his hand or fist!! I love him so I have stayed despite trying to walk away numerous times!!
He cheated on me when I was in jail for 30 days, lied about it the whole time! I lost my place while locked up he didn’t call my landlord. He had me live with him and the woman he cheated with. I left not long after since he was always bringing up sexual comments. Then walking around in front of her naked, I wasn’t having it!!
We got back together, he still is horrible to me always blaming me for everything that goes wrong. He has all these emoji apps, sex games and dares on his phone now. He has several different calling and texting apps too that I have watched him messaging other chicks on. He denies everything even when I catch him red handed!!
I try changing to make things better…I am tired of having my heart tore out daily.
How can he say he loves me when he has done what he has and have no remorse?
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I have left numerous times!! I love him thinking he will be better every time. I know the truth deep down!! I also don’t have a penny to my name or anywhere to go!!
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