Can y’all help me she def broke me and how do I find closure and move on?


So me and her were best friends and she told me one night she had feelings for me and wanted to pursue something serious but also said she was scared if our friendship was ruined bc I was a big part of her life and meant a lot allegedly.

we tried for a little bit but after she told me she had feelings she completely changed and only pulled away like at first it felt like I was helping her with some issues she had with vehicles that she needed done soon but after the first time I did that she would start to cancel on me unless I did something and refused to add to the situationship bc she was scared or committing bc of her living situation but she would act like we were a couple when we were with each other.

Fast forward to the end of the month when I started to feel used after a comment she made, and I told her I didn’t appreciate it bc we pretty much stopped hanging out unless I did something and she got upset and told me she lost feelings bc I brought it up and called me a liar for saying it…needless to say we stopped being anything even friends bc of it and I’ll admit I’m still heartbroken bc she was my best friend and I did try to treat her as best as I could’ve even though she never treated me well or attempt to add to the situation she always told me she wanted and blame me for it while I would always ask her to put in a little if she actually meant what she said about having feelings.

fast forward a month she acts like she fell in love with a guy she met once and they’ve been dating for just over a month and they have only seen each other one time but she instantly started to put a lot of effort in like what I wished she would’ve done with us.

my thing is like did she never mean what she said to me bc she just tries with him and didn’t with me. Like was I just a target to just do stuff for her. I gave her space never pushed her for anything only thing was the few times I’d mentioned that we could just hangout and to put in effort.

Can y’all help me she def broke me and how do I find closure and move on?
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