Girls, are Women with low waist-to-hip ratios more likely to prefer Men with more masculine faces?


Do you agree with the hypothesis of this study into how women's waist-to-hip ratios affect their preference for masculine male faces?

Although the sample size was small, my own anecdotal evidence seems to suggest this to have merit; I have broad shoulders, a strong jaw, and pronounced cheek bones, and women whom show interest in me IRL have always had low waist-to-hip ratios.

Low Waist-Hip Ratio
Low Waist-Hip Ratio

Although, I also have a low waist-to-hip ratio of 0.82 (28w, 32h). So, if they could somehow perceive this, it may be a "birds-of-a-feather-flock-together" dynamic. What do you think?

Do you agree with the theories raised in the study?

Girls, are Women with low waist-to-hip ratios more likely to prefer Men with more masculine faces?
1 Opinion