I asked an old coworker of mine to get coffee with me and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think about her response?


Little context: We were co-workers for like 9-10 months and I got little hints from her that she was interested here are a couple of them--> One time our mutual co-worker with whom she is friends said we would look good as a couple during a conversation where we were talking about how tall we all are (they were admiring my height because I'm tall. She often during that one night out gave me that long intense look that she is definitely interested but at that time my dumbass didn't recognize it. When we saw each other at work she would say plain hello or hi to everyone but to me she would add my name to it like "Hello (my name)." I noticed this only because she didn't call anyone else by name.

Now after half a year of trying to get my life together, I finally felt confident and proud of myself to ask her out for a coffee through IG Direct. She answered with this "Hii! We could definitely do something as friends one day, but currently, I'm not in the mood to go on a date."

I just want to know if this is one of those things that mean straight to friendzone or if it means that she's a little bit interested but not (yet) in a romantic way and wants me to try harder/she tries to be hard to get. Unless this is just a complete rejection and she is too sweet/kind (which she is) to say hard no?

Tried to look at other people's experiences with this type of situation but could find only one conversation where everyone had different opinions on the situation. Thank you in advance if you read through this and especially if you give your opinion. :)

I asked an old coworker of mine to get coffee with me and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think about her response?
5 Opinion