Why do women get with guys who dress like drug dealers and act with zero personality and reject guys who are upper class to that bloke?

Like my mates saw a guy that they met in the past who has a reputation for acting hard, dresses like your local dealer and doesn't really do jk that well yet the girl his with is extremely attractive in appearance and is with him now. By that I mean she is naturally attractive like the only aspects she's had done that aren't would be her eyebrows you can't tell she had them professionally done. He is not a huge bloke and doesn't have any aspects to brag about if he wanted to like 💪 . Why would she have chosen him? He knows his extremely lucky to have her, his mentioned it in her post multiple times. Just wanted to know a woman or guys perspective? They do have a thing in common which are motor bikes but really that can't be the only reason.
Why do women get with guys who dress like drug dealers and act with zero personality and reject guys who are upper class to that bloke?
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