When girls get the wrong idea and think everyone is looking at their breasts or ass?

Lady's. Fella's.

The other day when i was in an appointment talking with my psychologist (who is female), Explaining a situation. While looking at her knees while explaining a story then looking left away from her, eyes shifting focus as one usually does when talking about / recalling events. after looking at the wall and then looking at her face / eyes again, and still talking, noticed she grabbed her open button up shirt, crossed it tightly and gave me a :o look, like a "what are you looking at pervert?" kind of look.

I was taken aback because i wasn't even checking her out and didn't look at her breasts or anything like that and it seems she got the wrong idea.

Whatsup with women like this?

When girls get the wrong idea and think everyone is looking at their breasts or ass?
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