Girls, Why are these young women that work at the supermarket so friendly when I’m just a customer?

They are really friendly to me but to the other customers they are just normal. I don’t understand it I am a regular customer and I go there usually very early in the morning

I have not spoken to any of them at all and one of them was looking at me a lot.
there is one - I don’t know if it is the same woman - she was shy but friendly but I didn’t say anything back because I was leaving and she got in my line of vision as I was leaving. Like she stood up and looked at me slightly in my face

Its weirded me out but can anyone help me to understand what’s going on? Because it’s my understanding that like store workers usually don’t have anything to do with customers lol just like bartenders don’t normally care about the patrons they serve

You’re cute
They want to connect with you
One of them may be crushing
Very friendly ladies
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Girls, Why are these young women that work at the supermarket so friendly when I’m just a customer?
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