Why so many millennial women turned off by men their age and so into younger guys?


I just turned 27 two months ago and I'm supposed to be Gen Z ( the very starting year of Gen Z haha ).. and my God , I get hit on by a LOT of older women lol.. and when I interact with them they start acting all girly and blushing , it's like no guy awakened their feminine side in a LONG time lol.. and I come across a lot of girls flexing their happy relationship online , and I realized there's quite a pattern that the guy is usually younger.. all this stuff keep me thinking, damn , what the hell is wrong with older dudes and why girls their age are so tormented and emotionally deprived ๐Ÿคฃ.. although I'm now starting to get why they keep going after younger girls lol..

Why so many millennial women turned off by men their age and so into younger guys?
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