Girlfriend on period! Do girls get angry during their periods?

Girlfriend is irrational, erratic, and hurtful during her period. How do I respond?
8 months together, she's perfect for me 3 weeks out of the month. she's responsible, loyal, calm, easy to talk to, loving, and I can really tell she cares about me as much as herself, as do I her. But damn, everything just goes downhill on that fourth week, she'll turn something I'd say that's trivial and not even remotely offensive to her into a huge fight, as in every comment I make about anything is an insult to her. She'll change her tone every other sentence (Ex: Ignoring > Angry > Quiet > Angry > Apologetic > Quietly angry) and I think what bothers me the most is she'll accuse me of completely irrational things, and then I feel both guilty and angry because while I feel bad for making her feel that way I know its entirely wrong. So what can I do? As a fairly level headed male I can't even begin to understand how someone can be this subjected to their hormones. I know this isn't her, she's a complete sweetheart and rarely gets angry at me, even when I deserve it. Can I blame her for this? Do I get mad at her and fight back when she starts this? Do I avoid her? Any detailed answers are greatly appreciated, but a Yes or no is fine too, so poll question: Is this her fault? Do I hold this against her?
Yes - She's responsible to control her emotions
No - Its part of being a female and cannot be controlled
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Girlfriend on period! Do girls get angry during their periods?
26 Opinion