Why I'm ignoring your follow requests


I thought I made this clear on my bio but I guess not.

I'm not interested in 300 horny guys following me.

So, when I receive a follow request there are a few things I look for:

1. Is there a profile photo?

If not, that's not a good sign to me. Bots/trolls |usually| don't take the time to get a profile pic.

2. Are you a guy who follows 800 girls and 3 guys?

Don't even try to justify that bullshit, there are lots of males on here that contribute to this website, yet you'd rather follow every pink account and their mother.

3. Is your username something like "titsman69" or "bigDman5" or "tightvirgin13" ?

Immediate ignore.

4. Are you level 1 or 2?

Sorry, I just don't trust you're not a bot/troll yet.

Hope this helps. So if you apply to any of these, STOP TRYING TO FOLLOW ME. Or I will block you bc I already warned.

Why Im ignoring your follow requests
Why I'm ignoring your follow requests
33 Opinion