My suggestions to GAG (Part II)

My take on how to make GAG better than best....

Thank you GirlsAskGuys staff and my fellow GAG users (literally GAGers) for your congenial response on Part I (in which I described the basic aim of the site and some tips to ameliorate the things)
GAGers motivated me to write a second part of it, so without wasting time I would like to introduce the remaining items of the catalogue.

Here we go :-

  • #7. Introduce Profile Badges.

My suggestions to GAG. (Part II)

Profile Badges? What is this?
Actually they are the same badges which you guys see in your day-to-day life but this time I would like GAG to use them virtually. These badges can be found on the GAGers' profiles. You will have to earn them if you want to shine them on your profile.
What is their significance?
GAGers will earn bonus 500 Xper points for each badge you earn and having a badge on your profile can depict your traits on GAG.
How do I earn them?
You will earn them by exceeding the limits set-up by the staff. For example: Trailblazer Badge - Having 350+ followers
Balloter Badge - Voting on 75000+ opinions
Mentor Badge - Having 25+ MHO percentage
Interrogator Badge - Asking 1000+ questions
Counsellor Badge - Giving 30000+ opinions
Wordsmith Badge - Sharing 125+ promoted takes
Veteran Badge - spending 5+ years on GAG
Punctilious Badge - Loging in 300+ days a year
It'll motivate GAGers to participate in all fields and of course, it can help the site to lure more traffic.

  • #8. Motivate GAGers to vote more.

    My suggestions to GAG (Part II)

Most of the time I see here that opinions usually get only zero vote on average. Yes zero. On average an opinion use to gather 2-4 up/down votes if it's unique/humorous/helpful/whatever. GAGers don't tend to spend their time voting. We need to settle this. GAG recently brought a very remarkable feature "Your top 10 most up-voted opinions will be represented on your profile as your quotes". I'm impressed and I noticed other users are also showing interest in it.
I've noticed a lot of GAGers' reactions about how to enhance them like giving them Xper for voting or sorting out the comments based on the votes. But I disliked these concepts because if we give Xper to people by just voting, GAGers will start voting blindly in order to earn Xper & if we sort the comments then the value of 'Gurus' & 'Masters' will decline. I think if we introduce badges it will attract GAGers to vote & they will earn something from it.

  • #9. It's time to facelift the MyTakes policy.

My suggestions to GAG (Part II)

Finally, MyTakes are popular now. Everybody is now taking interest in it. So it's time to make the things serious. A lot of MyTakes are being promoted and featured. Some of them consist of one to four pictures or a single video and around four or five lines and boom you received 100 Xper. Some GAGers work very hard to write them and their ideas and statements are original (not like ctrl+c then ctrl+v). So I suggest GAG to keep promoting the takes as it use to but grant only 45 Xper instead of 100 Xper. If a MyTake is creative enough and it got featured then the GAGer will receive 125 Xper. And If it's a simple MyTake with no promotion, GAGers will receive 10 Xper (so that their hardwork will not be wasted). It'll enrich MyTakes and emphasize the writers.

  • #10. Add some Flavour to Followership.

I know a lot of people I'm interested to follow but I can't, thanks to their private profile. We can't follow the people who keep their profile private. GAG should allow an option to send them a follower-request if they are interested or not to let people follow them.

My suggestions to GAG (Part II)

GAG should also add 'Follows You' indicator on the profiles of the people who are following the specific visitor. It would help GAGers to identify the people and strengthen their relationship.

  • #11. Private means Private.

If a GAGer marked his/her profile private, GAG should make their profile picture unclickable (Not allowed to zoom). It will boost GAGers' privacy and will considerably make it a safer place.

  • #12. Improve @Mentions.

    My suggestions to GAG (Part II)

Sometimes it is very hard to find out the exact opinion in which we are @Mentioned especially on popular questions. I know it's automatically scrolled but still it causes inconvenience. So I think on the '' page, GAG should label the username of the GAGers who mentioned them on the opinions.

My suggestions to GAG (Part II)

  • #13. Bubble Trouble [mobile version]

My suggestions to GAG (Part II)

GAG recently discarded the classic bar and replaced it with two circles. They are innovative but there is a wise saying that 'simplicity is beauty'. Using them is nuisance. They cover-up the opinions. So I tried to find a better alternative. 'Toolbox'. Currently there are two bubbles, one for navigating and another one for social sharing. GAG should merge these two circles into one 'Toolbox' and place it on the right bottom. Clicking/Tapping on the toolbox will open the page navigation (as same as left bubble works) plus sharing bubble. It will considerably reduce the tackiness of the site and will make it user friendly.

My suggestions to GAG (Part II)

Did I mention to make the toolbox translucent?
GAG should make it translucent too. So if it overlaps the opinion, it'll not annoy the reader.

Thanks for reading.

PS: These are my personal suggestions, I don't mean to
offend the site or its members.

Good News: Final part of My suggestions to GAG Trilogy confirmed.

Your ingenious suggestions/opinions will be acclaimed. Thank
you in advance for any help you can provide. :-)

Game on folks, Believe!

My suggestions to GAG (Part II)
Post Opinion