GirlsAskGuys - Mystery Solved

GirlsAskGuys a

I'm sure many of you have been there - Someone asks you, "Oh, well what is GirlsAskGuys?" You stumble around, trying to put it into words that make sense to someone who isn't a G@Ger, with people usually responding, "Like Yahoo!" Yeah, no.

We now have a short video explaining what G@G really is!

You might have heard something you recognized towards the end. Thank you @traxlem for your great words about G@G, found in the MHO on Are you somehow addicted to GAG?

What did we get right?
Or wrong?
What did we miss that you would've added?

Drop a comment, let us know what you think!!

Happy Friday , G@Gers!

GirlsAskGuys - Mystery Solved
35 Opinion