The Art Of Stalking: What To Do, What To Avoid


As I said in my previous MyTake here, the whole stalking concept is a form of art, and it requires a separate MyTake as well. So here we go. What you should do and what you should avoid, in order to not get caught.

(In alphabetical order)

1) Do it in the daytime, not in the night.

The Art Of Stalking. What You Should You Do And What You Should Avoid.

If you do it in the night, and you get caught then you might pass even more suspicious. It doesn't mean in the daytime you won't make yourself suspicious at all, but sure you'll be pass as less than you'd pass in the nighttime.

2) Don't do anything if others are around

The Art Of Stalking: What To Do, What To Avoid

ESPECIALLY if the others are guys. Better be safe than sorry. You have no idea who is who. The person passing by might be undercover cops for example and he might get advantage of the situation if the girl makes a comment like Leave otherwise I'll call the cops, and blame your bad luck then.

3) Don't make any noise!

The Art Of Stalking: What To Do, What To Avoid

It's pretty important to move in silence. So it's suggested to wear flat shoes and avoid carrying many coins, since they will jingle. Be careful with your keys as well, and place them in a separate pocket better.

4) Don't touch!

The Art Of Stalking: What To Do, What To Avoid

This is a VERY important rule. Never slap or grab her ass or anything like that. Don't lay your hands on her because you can easily be reported for a rape attempt. Do whatever you want by using your mouth, but not your hands.

5) Don't whistle when a dog is around

The Art Of Stalking: What To Do, What To Avoid

You know why I guess. You want to call the girl with your whistle, but chances are the dog will respond to your call by barking at you.

6) Keep some distance.

The Art Of Stalking: What To Do, What To Avoid

I don't mean being like 1 minute away. But not 3 seconds away either. An ideal distance would be 10-15 seconds. And never behind her, but on the other side of the road. When you reach the ideal distance, and you are ready for everything, then hit on her either by whistling at her, saying something like Hey or Psst, but don't touch as I said on #4.

7) Look at your phone.

The Art Of Stalking: What To Do, What To Avoid

When you are sitting on a bench, and a nice girl happens to sit beside you (if she sits after you've sat there, I mean. See below what you should do, if she has sat first), pretend you are seeing at your phone after you noticed her. Raise your head every 10-15 seconds to see if she left or she's still there. Also keep in mind, if this bench is somewhere in a bus stop, then NEVER ride the same bus she entered. You might end in even serious trouble, if she finds out what you do, and you might have a hard time getting back home as well, if she's living faraway.

8. Stand somewhere.

The Art Of Stalking: What To Do, What To Avoid

Notice, NOT hide. But stand. Hiding leads to suspicions. So it's better to stand somewhere and pretend you're doing something. Either looking at your phone or smoking or eating something or whatever you want. But not just standing and looking at the girl sitting on the bench in a bus stop or a bench in the park. Just try to make as less suspicions as possible.

PS: Sorry for the wrong category again. It was meant to be put in Guy's Behavior.

The Art Of Stalking: What To Do, What To Avoid
21 Opinion