What Makes Me Distinct and Unique From a Typical Guy (and other cool facts about myself)

What makes me distinct and unique from a typical guy (and other cool facts about myself)

I have some things in common (such as high sex desire, video games and wanking to porn) with a (stereo)typical guy but nevertheless I feel mostly distinct from them and here is why I feel this way:

My strengths:

Personality and behavior and other internal characteristics

I don't worry about being a virgin and I also never understood the pressure to lose it.

I am not into sports but I do like swimming. I do not work out actively (and I am skinny!).

I am not aggressive. I am not into fights or fighting a lot. Competitions like getting another guy into the ground is OK.

I am not a class skipping party tiger. I also hate being unemployed.

I do not like drinking beer. I do not like drinking alcohol altogether except hot glowing wine. ๐Ÿ˜

I do not develop bad unhealthy habits such as getting obese from making McDonalds my primary diet or Mountain Dew my primary liquid intake. In fact I can break them as easy as saying "I will quit now".

I do not believe in dominance and submission.

I do not believe in or subscribe to the alpha/beta/omega males in human society.

I am not a meat freak. In fact I love eating more fruits and vegetables :)

I disregard the term "real man" (and consider disregarding "real woman" too).

Who said, that the man's value and success is defined by how much money he makes or has and what his job title is and his status is? I don't believe that. Personally I believe in being successful - FOR ME - means achieving your goals. Every time I achieve a goal, big or small, I get a sense of success.

For everyone else it might be different.

What Makes Me Distinct and Unique From a Typical Guy (and other cool facts about myself)

Yes, I do like playing Call of Duty. No, I do not get mad if I get stopped before achieving my beloved scorestreak because whatever. No, I do not insult other players for stopping me achieving my scorestreak.

And no, I do not spend the vast majority of time playing COD, although some cases may occur.

And no, I do not use terms like memes, rekt, feelsbadman.jpg, om(f)g and other terms, that I consider "low". (exception is M8 and a few others)

The opposite sex and sex in general

What Makes Me Distinct and Unique From a Typical Guy (and other cool facts about myself)

I respect and admire women and girls but most of all I LOVE girls and women ๐Ÿ˜. Not in a way of being a pushover "white knight" although it's inevitable, that someone is going to fling at me with that terminology while not realizing it's use being abusing.

I see women and girls as an equal human being to us, who have feelings like we have, who have emotions like we have, who have been hurt like we have been etc.. Women are partners to us men and vice versa!

I believe women should do what they want to do and pursue any career of their choice be it a programmer, car mechanic, nurse or psychologist without hesitation.

I do not think, that "sending women back to the kitchen where they belong to so they make sandwiches" is funny at all and neither would I say or do that.

I am not into oral sex, giving or receiving. I am also not into anal sex.

My favorite sex is shower sex.

I can not stand disharmony, screaming women, constant complaints, bitching, over-the-top dramas and nagging. Any fighting with that results with me leaving. If that keeps repeating, then the relationship is not worth it and it's over.

I haven't interested any female in my lifetime and I don't think of it as a big deal. I have however interested only once a gold digger, who tried to gain a free entry into a club by using me as her entry ticket. She wasn't even attractive at all and I still don't know her name.

Lifestyle and social interactions

What Makes Me Distinct and Unique From a Typical Guy (and other cool facts about myself)

I live a lifestyle consisting of full balance between work, studies, personal health and well being.

I read Wikipedia a lot. I also read a lot about sexology, medicine and herbs too.

I am *gasp* open minded! If any conversation cannot come to any agreement, I can always find a peaceful way out and say "let's agree to disagree" and put the differences behind and move on.

I can get along with LITERALLY ANYBODY as long as the other person is willing to. However it seems to some, that my opinion has hurt some sensitive sides.

I'd like being in a female company, not, that there is anything wrong with a company with the right guys but members of the opposite sex interest me more. It might have something to do with my lack of female presence.

I can not be found on social medias (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...) because I do not register myself there. I value my privacy and prefer to not be tracked.

In fact I was once required to register myself on social media with my real life info for one job offer - I declined because of violations of my privacy rights.

I love science and technologies - maybe we all do but I do so by an extra notch.

I am immune to social pressures. I can think and make decisions for myself.

I have a fair amount of interest in fashion. I like to dress myself according to my interest.

I also like grooming myself with having long hair and a beard.

But I do NOT like wearing suits! I like to dress freely.

What Makes Me Distinct and Unique From a Typical Guy (and other cool facts about myself)

I see nothing wrong with liking the color purple or pink. I wouldn't even mind occasionally wearing these colors.

In some ways I believe in Karma. In a way of: If you project negative ideas into somebody else, then said idea is more likely to backfire at you. Not, that this is entirely true but maybe you get my point.

Which is why I minimize projecting negative ideas into the others. ๐Ÿ˜ถ

My weaknesses:

I know what my weaknesses are and here they are:

What Makes Me Distinct and Unique From a Typical Guy (and other cool facts about myself)

Women ๐Ÿ˜

No, I am not joking! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Women can be either really sweet angels or your worst nightmare but I think the same can be said in reverse for women.

I never know for sure (unless it's been officially stated) whether a woman is interested in me.

Their kindness is melting me! ๐Ÿ’•

But the negative side of me is obsessed with hating on gold diggers. As much as I try to let go of it, I can not get over myself and stop hating on gold diggers. ๐Ÿ˜ 

What Makes Me Distinct and Unique From a Typical Guy (and other cool facts about myself)

I was once blind

No shame admitting it, we all did a mistake at some point in my life.

I was once a follower and did not question much.

As soon as I got access to information, I became someone, who walks his own path.

I also learned from my mistakes. These lessons will last for my life.

Social isolation ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

I don't hate social activities.

More like I have lived for the most of my life socially isolated. Reason for that was to protect myself from being taken advantage of. My choices were black and white. I have chosen to preserve myself.

As a result, I have low social skills.

Sometimes I spend too much time on GirlsAskGuys ๐Ÿ˜‘

At least I know when it's time to stop browsing GirlsAskGuys. I think I am not the only one here but GirlsAskGuys was supposed to bring both genders more together and understand the opposite sex better but as the community kept growing, certain members disrupt it's purpose and drive both genders away or are starting a gender wars.

What Makes Me Distinct and Unique From a Typical Guy (and other cool facts about myself)

Survivor of clinical depression

I need to say no more about this other than I'm still combating it. ๐Ÿ˜‘

What Makes Me Distinct and Unique From a Typical Guy (and other cool facts about myself)
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